The (Beautiful) Death of Your World

The (Beautiful) Death of Your World

The Death of Your World

We must begin

by understanding

the death of your world


When you made the choice to be born

you also made the choice to die

You asked, invited, agreed

to the experience of a physical form

which would be

in a constant state of mutation

as an aspect of

the implementation of

its very nature

This was no morbid intention

you had no attachment

to either life or death

you simply understood

that by initiating incarnation

you would traverse the experience

and emerge from it

prepared to embark upon the next

and the next



So when you choose

to sit at a table and begin to eat

your first meal of the day

you have made the decision

to enter the experience of breakfast 


At first your plate will be full of food

As you engage more deeply

with the process of ingesting

the food will lessen on your plate

and you will become more full

At some point

this aspect of your day

will resolve and you will move on

and there will be

other meals upon which to dine


At no time do you mourn your final bite

You are simply aware

that this aspect of your experience

has fulfilled itself

and you both hope and believe

another meal will come again


Now there are many ways to eat

many choices of food stuffs

Some who eat may be overfull

Some may go hungry

and each bite may be precious

and yet so long as you are in body

this process is yours to experience

in whatever way best serves

the nourishment of your soul


This life

this present moment life you live

with the very next breath you take

is but a meal

It may be breakfast

It may be dinner

It may be elegant or humble

but it will end

and there will be

countless others in its wake

as the edible elements are grown

and harvested and prepared

then digested and excreted

and returned to the earth 

as the new seeds grow

and the sun rises and sets

and the rains fall and then dry 

and the limitlessness of the All

is expressed

in an infinite expansion of ways

wherein there is constant birth

and constant death

and so never ever

any final death

at all


The only thing

you will not find within infinity

is the end



If you wish to begin to comprehend

to digest 

the state of your world

you must first be prepared

to digest the nature 

of your own death

for within this paradigm

you will find

the foundation and the decimation

of all life

Just as you will one day

complete the meal of this life

and you will exhale a final breath

and prepare to dissolve

to return to your infinite nature

so too must your whole world

come to an end


That which must depart

benefits from our relinquishment

All which awaits

must come in its own time

and we cannot impede 

what is ready to be born

Are you ready in your heart

to give yourself permission

for this new world?


For such is the time

into which you have been born

and this is the moment

you witness

as you look upon the nonsense

and the horror

If you wish to know rebirth

and you do

you are asked

to allow the old

to die


When was the last time

you took someone dying into your arms

to bring them comfort

as they said good-bye?

When was the last time

you bathed the frail body

of a loved one

as they wasted away?

When did you last stand 

beside their resting form

and offered prayers

held their helpless hand

and caressed the fingers

one by one

kissed their cold forehead

as the heat of the blood drains

just as the soul

takes flight?


Is your answer never?

Is it true that you know nothing 

of death

for if you do know its face 

you are a rare one

in a time of great denial

of pretence and ignorance

wherein so many have learned

to run from their own mortality

by turning away

giving away the processes of death

to doctors and nurses

and undertakers and others

who themselves have learned

the mechanics of dying

and yet

even in this

rarely looked Death itself 

in the eye


And oh the beauty that is lost

every time we give ourselves over

to this fear

the beauty

the truths

the magnificence of the liberation

when we discover

that by living the minute experiences

of physical decline

we are granted a vision 

of how the soul

can never die?



take this world

of fragile spirits

the ones who suffer

the ones who run from suffering

and add the understanding

that we are not

in our electrical natures

separate from one another

And add to this the understanding

that we cannot be

in our metaphysical natures

separate from our species

and the multitudes of species

upon the Earth

and thus the very organism

of the Earth herself

and so as we are offered

the opportunity to learn of

our own deaths

collectively we are given

a profound experience

of preparing to witness

the global death

of the world 

as we supposed it to be

and because we live in an age

where every thought

every imagining

every fear is immediately

communicable to millions

the acceleration of our mutual process

increases daily


as the gift

of our deconstruction

and our liberation

is at hand


We witness Death in action

whether we like it or not

everywhere we turn

Is this new?

Absolutely not

Is the magnitude

intensity and interconnectedness

of the experience

greater than ever before

yes – a thousand fold and more


In this both the potential for immense confusion

and the possibility of profound awareness

are ripe

Both will be known

and they must both unfold



The choice is yours

And what will guide this

personal vision

will be your readiness

and your willingness

to live in a consistently expanding


of multi-dimensional consciousness

to feel, taste, know

and comprehend this journey

beyond the material


For this is the nature

of the rebirth which is underway

and without your own

inner dimensional awareness

the outer shifting of the collective

will make no sense at all


Imagine entering a room

as a two dimensional being

It is not possible

from the 2D perspective

to experience a 3D room

You might lie upon the floor

you might press up against a wall

but you could not possibly 

experience the floor

and the wall

and their relationship to one another 



you could not grasp or live

the experience of the room


As we now enter a time of multi-dimensional awakening

those who are unable

to transition in their awareness

from 3D to expression beyond

will be unable to digest

the full knowing 

of these times

This is not wrong

it is not a failure or a mistake

but rather the natural mechanics

of this expression

The collective soul will ascend

into its rebirth

As it does so

many aspects of the collective body

will fall away






races and cultures

sexual expressions

ecosystems and species

all this and more

will come together in falling apart

layers upon layers

of skin will peel away

bones will break

because they are not needed

any more


Houses of cards will collapse

upon themselves

and then explode

into galaxies of microsmic 

origami-like stars

which will in turn

be breathed into the pores 

of your electrically charged skin


That which was once psychedelic

will become the norm

Think of plunging into 

the warm waters off a coral reef

and discovering you can breathe water

and kiss sharks

and become a jellyfish

erupting through the blowhole

of a whale

which has swallowed the entire ocean

which is one

with the Sun



anc contexts

and logic

are no longer your guides

You are beginning to understand

This is death

This is breakfast

lunch and dinner

This is why there is nothing to fear

there never has been

and there never will be

This is inter-dimensional consciousness

learning to leave behind

the clumsy, muddy

sufferings of the material world

All that must die

will return to dust

And all that must live

will be reborn


The artist sees beingness as creation

The reductionist sees it as chaos

in need of control

and so as we fully enter the emergence of the shift

we are asked to elevate every moment 

into the art of its expression

including our fear

for otherwise the chaos

will simply overtake our senses

and the more we fight

to hold on

the more random and nonsensical

the world will become

until wherever deep attachment

to the material persists

that to which we cling

must then de-materialize


Like the dog who climbs out of the lake

and shakes

until every drop has been flung

far and wide

the spiralling momentum

of the transformation

will accelerate

until nothing remains

except beauty

the most massive

incomprehensible beauty


to the physical human eye

Your world is ending

as you know it

and the sooner you surrender

the more absolutely you permit this

the more absolute Grace is free 

to arrive

Make no mistake

this transition is neither up nor down

but rather parallel

to that which is within

You are not lifting yourself 

above darkness

you are becoming the darkness

until it is no more

You are not leaving anything behind

you are not cancelling, crushing

nor emptying the swamp

You are releasing your need 

to see yourself

as separate from the swamp

and in this integration

the game

is won by all



When you hear yourself ask the words


and why

you are not yet in surrender

When you say

but we must stop the suffering

you are not in surrender

When you say we must fix 

what is broken

when you say

but I want it to be different

when you say

there is a war underway

there is darkness and evil

over there

outside of me

and it must be fought

and it must be brought down

and it belongs to someone else

and they are not to be trusted

When you say

I have been kept weak

and the powerful are the problem

When you say 

their behaviour is wrong

and mine is right

and they must be punished

and they must be torn down

When you say 

there is nothing 

but danger here

and it is a mistake

it has gone wrong

those who have done this

are stupid, bad 

ignorant and asleep

When you say this

you are not yet in surrender

and you are attached to the very world

which is trying

to dissolve


And dissolve it will

dust to dust

and so the choice is yours

whether you will remain within

the collapsing walls

or whether you will begin 

to comprehend

that time and space

have begun to bend

and turn themselves

inside out

into freedom

if you allow

if you dare


And thus

in so many ways


you once thought 

was important

is not

and much of what 

you have disregarded

delayed and denied

is absolutely central

to your own metamorphosis

and the shape-shifting

of your entire world

You may begin to find

that you have been speaking

a dead language

and wondering why

you never feel heard


In fact

everywhere you look

you begin to see death

those endings

you so desperately wished to avoid

all the ways you tried

to be fast enough

rich enough

safe enough

strong and young enough

all those ways

you could never be enough

to keep death away

the many many deaths

losses of love and life

they are suddenly everywhere

the impossibility of winning against them

must come

will come

in order for the rebirth

to be understood


For you see

we cannot graduate

from the old world

of limitation


and loss

until we are ready to see 

beyond breakfast

beyond the pretext

of the material

into the realm of eternity

where we know absolutely nothing

about anything

and none of it matters

at all


And the great irony

is that from here

you will find your answers

about political corruption

and viral pandemics

and the suffering of children

and financial control

and soul-less governments

and power 

and powerlessness

and all the dances in between


Questions about form

may only be answered

from within

an experience of formlessness

and until then

you will spin

around and around


into the hole

where you begin

again and again

because that is what you agreed to

when you said yes to a body

when you agreed

to breathe life

and then to die


Only now

because the momentum

of the eruption

the big bang that has finally spoken

magnifies all exponentially

so that 

the problem you had yesterday

now becomes six problems

then twelve

each one bigger than

the one before

spiders swarming

out of the nest

because you have let your fear

become real

you have spoken it into being

and you have promised

never to abandon it

for then

whom would you be

without it?

If you were to dare

this extraordinary thought

could you possibly see

that you are

a child of the miraculous?

Nothing less than 

a crystalline sliver of Source

dancing the ecstasy of embodiment?

A transitional dimensional being

finally free

to walk in Divinity

down the main street of Hell

because that was the whole point

all along?


That walk

that Hell

was the reason

you were born


© AdiKanda 2020

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