Dear Human Child

Dear Human Child

You have no idea

what it feels like

not to be afraid

It is time

to find out


Your mind has been full

of reasons

Reasons why you hurt

reasons why you fail

reasons why your world

is full of disappointments

and pain

You have named the dark shadows

the demons of your nights

you have watched the errors

the cruelties of others

you have felt the force of the bad dreams

dominate you

Some days you have run from them

other days you have fought them

other days you have lain down

like the dead

so heavy was your heart

with hopelessness

helplessness and grief

In your self-pity

you raged

look what has been done to me

look what I could have been

look what I could have lived

if only so much was not taken from me

and in all of this

your ignorance 

was your pride

you did not want to know

any other way

your suffering

was the only joy

you had


In all of this

you were not ready to see

that you were not a wounded one

you were not incapable

you were not forbidden

or forgotten

or denied

your freedom was not taken from you

you were not

a lost or abandoned child


In all this

all this time

you were simply


You see

you have misunderstood 

the nature of fear

you thought it was something

that kept you safe

out of harm’s way

You had your reasons

for your fear

you said

and so it wasn’t fear

it was common sense


the fear was the safety

said the words

in your head


When all along the truth was

fear was everything

you thought said no

Fear was the permission

you could not give

to yourself

And so every morning

you opened your eyes

and prepared to live another day

by turning to run

inside your own heart

from the very things you want so much

from the state of love

your god-self knows to be real

you run

filled with terror

that they might come true

that there is nothing stopping you

that it has all been a dream

that you are the one who decides

yes or no

that there is no one to blame

no one else in charge

no reason 

why not you


It is your decision

your choice

your vision

your reality

It is up

to you.

Hear these words.



do you begin 

to see the fear?

Now do you feel it rise up

tsunami of doubt

denial and blame?

How dare you hand the key 

of permission 

to me

your voices say

How dare you show me

my own omniscience

How dare you confront me

with my own power of choice?

I demand to keep

the safety of my projections

my hope that I will be at least pitied

be loved for my sufferings

if I cannot

be loved whole


I will not give up

my beloved and comfortable misery

my claim to the righteous accusation

of what lives outside of me

I do not want to know

I do not want to see

that all fear

is the fear of my own perfection

my own profoundly infinite nature

my own inescapable divinity


I am so very afraid

to choose

my own dreamt reality

I am so steeped

in the blindness 

of this fear

I have no idea

what it feels like

to not be afraid

I do not know myself

at all


Dear human child

of course you do not know

of course you are blind

of course you pretend and hide

this is why you were born to Earth

this is why

you are alive


It is time

for you to find out why

and here you will discover

the greatest surprise of all

that to turn on

your mortal light

is like throwing a switch

It is simple

it is graceful

it is the opposite

of the struggle you have chosen

for so long


It is pleasurable

it is powerful

and it cannot be undone

All that is asked

is that you must assassinate 

your fear

of choosing your own world

you must be willing to let go

of any false safety

and tell yourself the truth

that you are absolutely


free in your soul


The stories you have told

of your suffering are done

they have fulfilled

their grave purpose

and are free to go

Permission for everything

is arriving


is coming home

And notice

there is no fight necessary

to claim this right

The gods laugh at the idea

that you should have to storm

the gates

of an absolutely unguarded treasure

The door has been open

all along

the lock unlatched

the candle lit

This moment is no accident

it has been waiting for you

for lifetimes

asking only the question

are you ready to see

there is no such thing as safety

only the reclamation

of your permission

to choose your state of being

and therefore choose 

your whole world


Dear child

at first you thought you needed 

a parent

so you could play the role

of being so small

Then you thought you would blame

your parent

fight them for your freedom

tell them everything

they have done wrong

And now you are ready

you are as ready as you choose

to see you are the maker

of your own conception

that as you dream

so shall you wake

and this is no theory

no abstract principle

this is as alive 

as the next breath you take


The secret lies

in the elegant gap

between realities

for this is the home

of your permission to choose

The very day you dare

to take back

all the arrows of your judgements

and the crippling blows

of your need for others

to value your sorrows and pain

the day you witness

the lie of this false comfort

is the day

you throw open the door

to your own cage

the day you say


I allow myself

to rise up in full flower

under the sun




radiant and rolling

with the waves of your 


visceral electrical charge

which add upon

always add upon

never detract

as you experience

depletion no more

for the expansion has arrived

and once set free

the wildness must explode

into constant creation

never again to be tamed

never again 

to be confused

about what I fear

and what I desire

The world is now mine

because the only world which exists

is the one I invite

and from here

my freedom

touches your freedom

which explodes you in turn

which explodes the one next to you

until the truth

we have all sought so long

will be found

and the book will be written

wherein my devil will dance

with my angels

and their entwined beauty 

will surpass

any of the human games

I used to play

my childhood done

for the day has come

to grow into the Godself

I have been

all along


I have feared only

my own beauty

both foolish and wise

I now turn around

easier than breathing

my permission

is found


© AdiKanda 2020


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