SIX MONTHS TO LIVE: Six steps to creating everything you desire.


A life changing exercise:

  1. In a meditative state, open your heart and write a list of the key priorities in your life right now, the dreams you want to create, the things that bring you joy, the places you want to put your energy, as if you have six months left to live on Earth. What did you come here to do? What does your soul have to say? Who are you meant to serve? Knowing your time is limited, allow yourself to let go of practicalities and responsibilities, and drop into a state of dreamlike creation.
  2. Prioritize these projects, activities and desires and consider how many hours a week you would need to fuel these dreams, maximizing those that mean the most to your heart, minimizing those that may be tied to old expectations, habit or fear of judgement from others. Also let go of any voices that tell you this is impossible, or that you have already wasted too much time. Time is Now.
  3. Open Google Calendar and create a calendar for each heading (your heart’s work, art, music, health, book project, CD, charitable venture, house in the country you want to build etc. Then time chunk blocks of hours dedicated to each one of these, filling your week with direction and purpose. Set them to repeat every week. Don’t get stuck on, oh, I have to make dinner for the kids every day at 4 PM. This exercise is about you pushing beyond the way things are, the way you think they have to be. It is intended to raise the bar, make you uncomfortable and show you vividly the compromises you have made in the past that can be changed any time. Remember the greatest gift you can give to those whom you love is to rise up into your own joy, your own fulfillment. Self-sacrifice can be a way of hiding, of denying, of staying small.
  4. Sit back and have a look at the contrast between your ideal week, one that is aligned with your authentic nature, and how you are spending your time now. If you leave these new calendars visible, when you add new appointments on any compatible calendar (iCal etc.) they will land overtop and you get to see if you are making choices with your time and energy – the most valuable things in your life – that are in alignment with your soul purpose and your greatest desires.
  5. Allow yourself to take in the understanding that you are the creator of your life, and your choices, both conscious and unconscious make your world. It is time to start living as if this were your last year, last month, last week, because at the speed of the present planetary Shift, by next week you will be in a whole new place, next month starting a new life, six months from now, born again. May your Being be the one who serves your highest purpose and brings you all joy. May you find the strength to let go of the need to seek approval from others and act out of guilt or fear. May you find the Trust to allow your needs to be met as you dare to align with who you really are.
  6. Ready, Set, GO.


I would love to support you in connecting with your authentic nature and achieving true expansion and joy in your life. Please reach out and let’s find a time to chat by clicking on the link below.



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