
DEAR HUMAN CHILD late Pledges available
The wheels are in motion! We’ve enabled late pledges on Kickstarter, which means that as I take steps to ready the book for production, editorial, formatting and design work, you may still pre-order both the book and the deck.
the story
Words that are more than words. Language that is beyond language.
A book that is much more than a book.

“I am so incredibly grateful for this! It speaks my heart so clearly … absolutely the truth of what has been going on inside of me. The vibration reaches so deep in me I have so many tears…not sadness really, a relief that there are now words to describe what is for me. I thank you again soooo much!”
Scientists tell us that everything in the physical world is composed solely of the active frequency of atoms and molecules. Scholars of the art of creation remind us that the vibration of the words we speak manifests the very reality in which we live.
Hildegard Von Bingen (one of the great creation-centered mystics of the West) said, “The Word is living, being, spirit, all verdant greening, all creativity. This Word manifests itself in every creature.” And so when we connect to the Divine, auditory realm of vibration which touches us in every aspect of our being, emotionally, physically, mentally, and even on the cellular level, we are guided to remember who we really are, the One whom we have been all along. Never has our connection to the transpersonal realms been more important, and more healing.
There is a place, a numinous place in between worlds. We touch it when we dream, we touch it when we drink the holy tea or fall deep into a meditation of trust. We know it sometimes when we make love and the experience of union transports us beyond the body, into pure ecstasy. In my sleep travels I had entered this place, like Lucy climbing into a wardrobe or Dorothy falling into a land of talking scarecrows, lions and tin men. I had discovered what it meant to drop in between worlds, and my pen recorded the conversation.

A language meant for the heart of the world
While most of the scribbles that emerged through my pen would seem to be in English, I came to understand that these writings spoke with a kind of language of their own. Their frequency would penetrate so much more deeply than the mechanics of the words. Their power existed beyond ink on paper. A presence had come to whisper in my ears as I slept, using me as a conduit between the etheric and the waking world.
As much as I resisted this idea – and I did, for years – I began to realize that it was my soul’s path in this life to surrender and do my best to explore what had been given to me. It took time, but I came to realize that these writings, these transmissions, were not just for me. I was their custodian, their student, and their translator.
“I just opened your email now and found the transmission. It is wonderful, I am speechless and I am so overcome with emotions. I thank you Adi, for your gift, for being able to bring this message to me…”
Over the years I have received thousands of transmissions for individuals and organizations all over the world. I have hosted countless Salons where they have been read aloud, lived and shared, using their teachings as a fundamental part of the curriculum in my cellular healing work. I have witnessed the most beautiful, powerful responses to this received wisdom in action over and over again. Workshops where individuals melted into tears upon speaking just a few words aloud. Presentations where individuals in the audience reported spontaneous healing of physical ailments.
“To me each transmission feels like a breathing being, so alive, touching upon the essence of what moves us. They masterfully release their magic and beauty over time. Like a treasure I go back to over and over again, encapsulating intimate, deeply personal pearls of wisdom and universal truths. They reach far beyond time and space, they actualize and distill. They surprise each time I read them, as they pull away the many veils that cover our perception. To me they became lifelines in dire situations, inspiration in my creative process and givers of trust and love in the experience of birth, death and life in between. I have never found such profound communications anywhere else.”
Now, I am thrilled to be offering my upcoming book and card deck, DEAR HUMAN CHILD. The first volume in a series of three, this collection addresses The Shift. What does it mean to be alive in apocalyptic times? What is the meaning within our suffering? How do we find our way forward, and what tools can help us?

THE book
Each chapter offers an introduction and the text of a single transmission. Each transmission has been chosen for its relevance to our extraordinary times, as well as to introduce a range of the received writings which have appeared over the years. Each oracular poem lives within its own context, while together they sing in a chorus of loving patience, insight and trust, while addressing some of the most troubling and controversial themes of our day.
I was very particular about how this physical book would be designed and printed. This will be a classic special edition hard cover designed to be an experience to hold in the hand, just as the transmissions are an experience to read aloud.
The six by nine inch vegan faux leather cover will be embossed with gorgeous foil printing and finished with custom end papers of original colour illustrations. The binding is sewn through folded signatures and fully cased with a round spine. Head and tail bands add elegance to the binding, and a silky ribbon marker is included to help you remember which transmission you plan to read next. These volumes will also feature timeless painted edges printed on the closed pages of the book.
Backers will also receive a gorgeous vellum insert of your choice. Vellum is a sheer, waxy paper reminiscent of a paper lantern. When a coloured illustration is printed on vellum, it lies neatly inside the book, sheer as stained glass against the text of the page.
Please know, these works are meant to be read aloud, over and over again. The use of your voice in speaking the words through your own being will activate their healing quality. Speak them to yourself. Speak them to your loved ones, choose your favourite phrases and memorize them. These are gentle, deep healing tools, and with this book in your hands, this power is now yours.
“I had tried many methods and teachers, feeling disappointed that I could not reach past my lifelong depression and suffering. The transmissions have opened and awakened areas of my psyche that I do not believe could have been reached otherwise, those parts that are unconscious because fear or trauma have hidden them beneath a blanket of safety…”
DEAR HUMAN CHILD is complete and ready to enter into the editorial process with my publisher, Awaken Village Press. The funds raised by this Kickstarter will address costs for developmental editing, proof-reading, design and formatting, and the mechanics of submitting to print. As the first book in a series, with many more collections to come, I am delighted to finally have a team supporting me to bring this project to fruition. I believe the timing is perfect, and the healing frequencies found within these transmissions will be of service to many.

Alongside the book itself, as a perfect companion, I am offering a card deck based on quotations from the transmissions themselves. This deck will serve as a quick and direct access to personal healing for an individual seeking support, and will also expand the way you use your book on a daily basis. Pull a card, be guided by the quotation and then turn to the relevant transmission in its entirety, and receive moment to moment connection to your most intimate guidance.
This beautiful deck will consist of a full 108 cards. Those who have been exploring the prototype deck have been deeply touched by their guidance.
“They are remarkable, and the practice of pulling a three or five card spread on one subject is astonishing and miraculous. I notice the cards seem to offer support in breaking down our material reality and moving more towards an expansive truth of what’s really going on – bringing self healing and even supporting a miracle to unfold..”
I have come to understand that we are guided in every moment in time, in every breath we take, and using cards such as these offers a deep and graceful way to receive your own sense of connection with the transpersonal realm. When we discover that the card we have pulled speaks immediately to the secrets of our heart, just like Ildiko, we are reminded that we are never, ever alone.
dear human child love letters

I have to tell you that everyone loved their transmissions and been so touched by them. I can’t tell you how often these beautiful words have brought me and everyone who has read them to tears. Just unbelievable.

Mary C. Davis
Wow! I’m absolutely blown away by the power of this…Even before I read it, I could feel its effects. It’s so resonates with my life experiences that it’s uncanny, and it stirred such strong emotions. I cried a lot when reading it and then the end felt so empowering and liberating…Add, thank you, thank you, thank you! It’s just the loving message that I need right now, and I’ll treasure it and re-read it again and again. I’m so grateful for your oracular gifts.

J. Bergeron
In my opinion, Adikanda is one of the most talented and prolific artists I have ever met. She is a rare and unique creative force and has become the channel for some of the most beautiful writings to be seen. All of these works seem infused with Love and Truth and the messages are always delivered with tremendous respect and care for the person. I am always struck by the power, accuracy and pertinence of these works…

AdiKanda would love to have a chat with you, to answer any questions about her work, to find out more about you and how she can help you awaken to your most fearless self. To directly schedule a consultation, please choose a time that works for you.

Welcome to the gathering place of those who seek vibrational mastery and conscious creation. This is the home of exchange, support and education about deep courage, including the powerful healing available to the hearts of all through words, music, movement and the healing arts of all kinds.
Be the first to know more about Adi’s events, including the upcoming Kickstarter campaign for her long-awaited first book of collected transmissions, DEAR HUMAN CHILD. Receive updates, launch date reminders, specials and contest information while supporting a beloved project, designed to support an overwhelmed and weary world.
BONUS: Join here and receive the HEALING SEXUAL SHAME; RECLAIMING SEXUAL BEAUTY ebook, a transcription of one of Adi’s most popular live transmissions.