In the world of the living
there will always be death
In the process of dying
there will always be fear
In the awakening of the soul
there will always be the unexpected
In the cleansing of the planet
there must come a revolution
and it will not be pretty
or neat
Just as the body purges
so too
does the belly of the Mother
give up
what does not serve
To be human
is to be conscious of the self
and this view is both illuminating
for we must look in God’s hand mirror
and also divisive
for what we humans have done
for centuries
is stare at our own reflection
and wonder
why we are no longer
one with Source
These days
are coming to an end

When the dead leaves fall
they will in time be scattered by the winds
When the birds leave the nest
it will grow cold and empty
when the lambs are born
they will one day grow old and weak
until they fall to the earth
and return to dust
This is the truth of our journey
and it is both our greatest fear
and the answer
to every question under the sun
As a species
we have spent our days
years and centuries
building and acquiring
we have expanded
both in unconscious action
and in growing awareness
We now know more
than we have ever known
and we have also lived
a greater ignorance
than we could ever imagine
We have created unimaginable beauty
and we have destroyed
beyond imagining
We have been the devil
and god
rolled into One

And so when great changes come
such as we now live
a part of us fights to hold on
to what we think is the answer
as we try to control
what we do not understand
We are children
terrified in the midst of a storm
and we forget
to trust the parent
who is always
at our side
A virus is an agent
intent only
upon devouring its host
It has no life
beyond this feeding
no means of survival
no purpose
of its own
and yet we know
that there is nothing that exists
outside of Divine creation
and so even this element
is a part of us
even that which feeds upon us
is an aspect
of who we are
In this way
both the virus
and the fear of the virus
are the same

Fear infects us
finding its way into our cells
shaping our health
our function
our actions and reactions
and yet
it cannot live without us
it has no voice
except in the words
we allow ourselves to speak
When it inhabits us
the more we deny it
the more it grows
and it sickens us indeed
with its ripe contagion
for there is nothing more easily shared
than human fear
And what is fear
but the polarity to grace
to Love
What is fear
but the manifestation of doubt
the visceral expression
of absence of safety
the loss of trust
and the forgetting of hope
And so of course
how can we know Love
without first witnessing
the fear which comes
to invade our minds
our hearts
our very bones

When a tree falls in the forest
and it crashes to the ground
it crushes the flowers where it lands
it throws the creatures from their nests
it does in fact
make a terrible sound
whether or not
we are present to witness
to hear what is spoken
in that falling down
A part of the purpose of the tree
from the moment it began
as a tiny shoot sprouting up from the soil
was this moment of collapse
No matter how great
how tall
this being
one day this tree
must fall
And when it falls
its body will become the food
the life source
for so many organisms
it will return into the ecology
of the forest floor
it will serve as much purpose
in its death
as it did
in growth
in life
We as a species
have been so young
all we have seen
is our desire to grow
to become bigger and bigger
to rise closer and closer to the sun
but the time must come
when we are ready to witness
our own falling
our own surrender
into the eternal embrace of the Mother
when we dare to consider
that what we have been feeding upon
is now ready
to feed upon us

This very idea
brings us horror
and yet
it is the cycle of all life
upon this planet
and it is the way
we come to understand
what it means to be alive
in physical form
in this dimension
where the eternal soul
plays the game
of material birth and death
We waste so many breaths
thinking they will never end
We live so many lifetimes
as if survival were our only dream
We name every other living thing
as food
and then wonder
why fear comes to eat us
to interrupt
our endless meal
And so here we find
the shaft of light
pouring down from the dark clouds
of these days
and it is the understanding
that we are the virus
and the virus is fear
and we are the ones
who have made both of these
very real
in our eyes
in our lives
Our material realm needs death
to bring life
There is not one
without the other
and the longer we fight this principle
the more suffering we generate
in our own hearts
We think that to die
to know physical decline
is the greatest tragedy
and yet there is something
much darker still
and this is to live life
running from death
running from loss
running from danger
and as we run
gobbling up
the life force of all the beings
in our path

Can you imagine a world
where we stop fearing
our own death
and in the release of this fear
we also release our habits
of devouring
of conquering
of owning
of eating everything
in our hunger for a safety
which can never come?
If this world is a mirror
to the Creator
and it is
what is it that the Creator
wishes to learn
from our experience of death?
If we are travellers
in a state of expansion from Source
preparing to return
into reunion with the All
which we are
what is it that Spirit
is teaching us
as an aspect of itself?
If fear is the furthest expression
from Universal Love
and it is
then what could happen
if we were to bear witness
to the degree fear
has eaten us up
and in this way
choose to feed ourselves differently
choose to witness
the virus we have become
upon the planet
choose to believe in the magic
of how suffering dissolves
when we allow the pain of life
to be cradled in our own
loving arms

These days of so much confusion
so many losses
such inequities
the crumbling of structures
and beliefs
make for huge gateways
for fear to enter
As we seem to lose
our sanity
we discover
the layers and layers
of lies we have lived
and how illness and wellness
have never been understood
And yet
and yet the night is always deepest
before the first light
of dawn
our own ignorance
is revealed in its magnitude
when we first learn of a lost truth
our own dying must come
before we can experience
the liberation
of a soul flying free
in readiness
to be reborn
This is our present moment
and there is so much
that may grant us solace
so many different ways
to witness turmoil
and instead find
new love

There is no kindness greater
than that which is offered
in times of loss
There is no gift more valued
than what is given
in times of lack
and so the petri dish
we have created
upon our planet
is ripe for loving
for giving
for compassion and patience
more than ever before
We are asked
to not just wash our hands
of the virus
but to cleanse our hearts
of our habits of separation and fear
It is no coincidence
that we are told safety is found
in isolation and avoidance
of human contact and embrace
for this is the manifestation
of the distance we have created
as we live in our aggression
and our need
We are asked
to not just stay away from others
in our physical presence
but to take this time of imposed slowness
and solitude
to recalibrate our habits
of hunger
and greed
It is exactly when we notice
our fears of not having enough
that we are granted a chance to see
that we have been given everything
and when we are willing
to give in return
Plenty will grow
such as never before
and the blessings of our planet
may yet return
in the brilliance of her capacity
to regenerate
for she is the expression
of the Creator
and there is no limit
to what may be reborn
as we break through
the illusions
of our human matrix
of fear

It is up to us
to choose
We may huddle in fear
or we may stand tall in awareness
We may lock the doors of our homes
or we may open our hearts
We may be driven by fear
of our own deaths
or we may embrace the dream
of this life in every moment
including our very last breath
We may feel helpless and confused
or we may connect to our own
highest guidance
and listen always to this first
We may assume the primacy
of dark forces
or we may dare to witness
that we are capable of transforming
even the opposite
of godly light
And as we choose
never underestimate the power
and influence
of what takes place
in our own meditations and prayers
our own intimate conversations
and writings
our own moment to moment actions
throughout our days
for this is our own personal battleground
We may not all be the gowned warriors
of courage
who walk hospital corridors
daring to serve
but we walk our own lives
with just as much potency
just as many opportunities
to generate the healing
of what eats
at our own cells

Know that
the recalibration of the Great Mother
will cleanse us
over and over again
Know that
in many ways
we have just begun
the deconstruction of our false gods
and towers of fear
Know that our power lies
in our willingness to not be afraid
of our own fear
or the fear of others
to resist the temptation to join in
to weave stories of terror and destruction
to blame those to whom
we have given our strength
to deny those
whose voices dare to tell the truth
of hope
rooted in the heart
the intuition
the blessings
of a primary world view
seen as a journey
of an expanding soul
If we are soul fragments
of infinite vision
how does this dictate our actions
during these days of cleansing
of fear?
If we hold the capacity
to transmute our physical experience
through trust
and relinquishing attachment
how does this help us
not only survive
but generate the most gorgeous art
our spirit may articulate
in the rich fields
of human experience
alive in these days of turmoil
the fires that have always burned
in the artists
in the dreamers
in the creators
of a higher world?

What is the poetry
of this moment?
What are the tenets of truth
which we may whisper
into the ears of the living
and the dying
carried upon the songs
of the creatures
and the forests
and the waters
and the skies?
Where is love found
even now?
Where is love found
especially now?
How may the eternity of Love
find us now
midwife to the child
we collectively birth
through health
through sickness
never parted
not by any death
for the soul has become
all life
once more
There is nothing novel
in the viruses which find us
in the virus we have been
for centuries past
What is new
is our opportunity
to grow up
from our lives
as children of our Creator
into beings who express
the Divine incarnate
human and Spirit
as one
at last

~ AdiKanda
exquisite teachings…. I loved and resonated with each word. This is a masterpiece. NY Times should publish it as a public service.