I dreamt last night
there were maps falling
from high in the deep sky
drawn by a great artist’s hand
And in them were found
secret pathways and tombs
which told us of reasons
and purpose
and worlds beyond worlds
maps between dimensions
a great gift unfurled
Rendered leaves from Heaven
they fell
soft and slow
upon unseen wind
parchments of ever-changing line
visible one moment
gone the next
for as we watch
all is revealed
as we allow
they may fade and sleep
Maps which descend
tablets of Moses
crosses of Jesus
dusty feet of Mohammed
falling upon
his own maze of roads
Over and over
we are given such guidance
every question answered
curiosities abated
for once we know
that we are god
and god said Yes
to even this
and this
and this
then nothing remains
to be misunderstood
the very fabric
of the agreement
which brought us
unto these Earthly realms
beast and master
tyrant and slave
me and you and you and you
not one without your very own map
among the legions
within the vastness
of the greatest library
of unimaginable Truths
And then
when for but a moment
I turned my eyes away
and all dissolved
into the light of day
I knew what was given
may never be undone
And so I leave
these gifts of the Divine
most sacred readings
now faded away
for as my feet touch soil and land
my language returns again
to the harsh and simple words
of Man
But what sweetness of knowing
that I live in this dimension
of lovers and dancers
synchronicities of souls
the perfection of kisses
between lips that are all mine
Where I bear witness to the scribing
of the most sacred of testaments
my own glowing eyes
watch me
watching them
their surreal insights
immortal and wise
This charged life force
this infusion of grand Reason
these are everything
simply everything
and enough for me now
the most ancient of travellers
no matter how far
no matter how weary
no matter what my suffering
these maps I have seen
and will always remember
are enough
are plenty
to guide me home
The maps lie waiting
were always waiting
beyond fear
beyond Time
And I know
my treasure
© AdiKanda 2017
Beautiful, Adi