There is but one way
the body
remembering who you are
rises up
pure and tall
into alignment
within the cocoon of the soul
There is but one perfect reunion
as all lost pieces of the shattered self
return in Trust
to the heart
the human hearth
the mortal home
There is but one low sigh
one ecstatic wail
one raw belly roar
mouth open so wide
the forgotten child
falls inside
when the one way
is revealed
When we dare to drop
hand into glove
fatigue into sleep
male into female
planet into rotation
life into death
soul into rebirth
what we find
is that there is but one Goddess God
present in every temple
in every mosque and synagogue
in every chapel and cathedral
in every rock and forest
in every river seeking the mother sea

And no matter what road
we choose to walk
whatever name we choose to wear
no matter what story spills in the cries from our lips
over and over
in the love and the habits
of our fear
We will meet in this one true place
arriving as the awakened amnesiac
suddenly witnessing lifetimes of beauty
where we see every confusion as worthy
every pebble underfoot as perfect
an integral part of the limp
essential to the beauty
of the necessarily blistered skin
For there is but one leaving
to make possible the return
the way back defined
by all that has been left behind
on the side of our chosen road

And it matters not where we think we go
for the moment we stop seeing ourselves
as whatever we thought we were
we become something else
something undone
something unattached
something free
There is but one force
which destroys everything
that was never real
one state of Being
with a thousand eyes
ten thousand tongues
and infinite shades of minds
One Love
One Source
One spiralling
eternal and universal
state of Creation
the we
the I
the All
For the way is every imaginable
and unimaginable way
until we see
there is no way needed
at all