Dear Adi;
“How can I shift from merely having my basic needs met, financially, to enjoying more of what life has to offer – a home of my own – travel, etc.”
“How can I shift from merely having my basic needs met, financially, to enjoying more of what life has to offer – a home of my own – travel, etc.”
… Wanting More
Dear Wanting More – Aug/11
from the time you were very small
a frame of reference was set
a starting place
from which you viewed yourself and the world
This is, of course
true for all of us
and it is how we play the game
This paradigm was created
like a collage
made from bits and pieces
some from your parents
some from your ancestral memories
some from your culture
and some from your own soul’s readiness
and sense of identity in this life
as well as in all you brought with you
at the time of your birth
This became You
this became what you saw as You
and as you formed this Self
you grew comfortable with her
including her fears
and her sense of limitation in the world
And in this grand design
characteristics chosen
like colours in a work of stained glass
through which your light would shine
and those features you recognized as your gifts
you might treasure and celebrate
and those you saw as your weaknesses
you might suppress or deny
Within all of this
floats a true Self
an eternal Self
a perfect Self
and of course it is the work of each life
to allow her to step ever forward
to find more and more ways
to allow her power to arise
Many lifetimes ago you discovered something within
that we would describe as
a sense of Grace
You claimed this aspect of yourself
with great pride and knowing
you have coaxed and nurtured it
with comfort and success
And so now
to anyone who meets you
anyone who has known you long
all would agree that you bear this quality
in your presence
for it is an aspect of Self
that you were ready to own
At the same time
in your humanity
you perceived this part of yourself
as needing to present in a certain way
you saw Grace as wearing a particular kind of clothing
as radiating a particular colour of light
as speaking in a particular voice
and busying herself
with particular duties and ways
This is your definition of this part of the Self
and one part of this definition is true to the eternal Self
and one part of it is not
For these are the workings of our human hearts –
we align our fears
hand in hand with our gifts
so that in order for the truth to emerge
we must first pay notice
to that which clouds it
that which may stand in its way
too powerful
too big in every way
you determined that modesty
caution and patience
were key qualities of one
who would walk with Grace
That reserve
was as important as passion
that a certain invisibility and moderation
was becoming
and that by erring on the side of self-deprecation
you might circumvent any potential judgement
or criticism
aimed at the impulse toward majesty
and strength
as if they were the gift itself
so closely have you come to associate them
with your safety
and your worth
These kinds of patterns are so ingrained
that they cloud the vision thoroughly
and no matter how hard you try to see past them
into the land of opulent love
your sight is clouded
and you simply do not recognize
both how far you are from this larger allowing
and just what the hugeness of it all
truly looks like
even when it is right there
before your nose
And so our counsel
is to make a conscious choice
to break down old assumptions
to unlearn old habits
and deconstruct your world view
as it pertains to your larger Self
for it is only as you dare to step into
that you may begin to taste
all the possibilities
of an empowered, Graceful you
Observe in yourself
subtle judgements of “excess”
and also your essential comfort with lack
Observe in others
what kind of power makes you squirm
makes you feel overwhelmed
and consider that this may in fact
live within you too
Observe, describe and define
with brutal honesty
how you see yourself now
and then paint a picture
with words, colour, voice
however you choose
that may represent the liberation
of the largest aspects of
an active Grace
Notice your heroes and heroines
and how you choose them
and consider adding some new ones
that might have shocked you in the past
Push yourself in awareness
past your comfort zone
by frequenting events and places
that you may have felt
lacked grace of any kind
and watch your own response
to those who live in abundance so easily
Can you re-frame your Self
habit by habit
to include a new definition
one that may not have had any precedent
for we are in a new time
and the old ways of viewing plenty and lack
no longer serve
This is of course
not about material wealth for its own sake
it is about a liberation of the Self
that has lain hidden
by conventions that now must end
As with all creation
there is no limitation
It is all and always
This came with an image of a “muted” self being introduced to environments, people and tasks that were very vibrant, large, and over the top, in an exercise of learning to stretch your habits of containment and self control. If it is comfortable to you now, then it probably doesn’t count for this exercise. You are asked to willingly break down your boundaries of comfort and caution to transmute energies of self-denial, as specifically as you would enlarge a font on the computer. It’s going to feel threatening and strange, but each step of the way you will be able to look back and gain a new perspective of just how you have hidden your light. In turn, the world will respond by matching and giving to your new, abundant Self.
love, Adi
© Cynthia Long
Such wise words. Thank you.