Words are the symbols of our voices
They represent
but even more
they carry as they move
Whether we speak them with our eyes
or our lips
whether we hear them with our ears
or our hearts
they move
and they move within us
They are the tools
of our soul’s desires
Silence is the birthplace
of words
Silence was present
before words were known
and will be there
when they die
And this time is coming
there will be an end to the age
of the necessity of spoken language
but until this dawning
words represent
everything we have
Communication is only necessary
where separation exists
We only reach to understand
what we fear we do not
We only speak what we believe
needs to be heard
We only answer
when we want it to be known
that we have heard
and we wish to be heard
in return

There are places where silence is king
where the imposition of
is seen as a distraction
from the power of inner peace
The keepers of temples and
know this
those who walk in meditation halls
and sleeping hospitals
know this
or anywhere an infant rests
a prayer is dreamt
or a choir prepares to sing
The value of Silence is found
in the awareness of what is not
which thus makes way
for true Presence to appear
And yet
when we come together
two by two
and more
we are immediately drawn to find our
to express
and through expression connect
and through connection
remember who we are
For the Creator said
Let there be Light
and in this speaking
the possibility of Light
was born
We have been invited
to consider before we express
is it necessary?
is it true?
is it kind?
To pause
to count to ten
to breathe
to sleep for a night
before we send the letter
to give space for discernment
in regard to what we dare to say

And yet so often
in these times of magnification
language has become a weapon
a tool itself of destruction
of falsehood
of false pride
Even between those who love
expression spills out
in rages and torrents
the language of hatred and vilification
of judgement and separation
uttering the constant reminder
that you and I are not the same
that you embody a problem I perceive
that in your differences from me
I am threatened
or you are lost
or the whole world will collapse
beneath the weight of your lies
And the compulsion to speak
the contradiction to your beliefs
has become so great in me
your ignorance such an irritant
your mistakes so dangerous
that to tear you down
becomes my momentary pleasure
to put to right
your right
to be wrong
What is so interesting
is that we observe this in the
of adults
of those who walk in grown bodies
and yet if our children dare to
to disrespect
they are quickly silenced
for insurrection cannot be tolerated
when control is at stake
And so is this not
what we witness here
in a world where information
populates and spreads like a virus
ever mutating
always feeding upon its latest host
and thus becoming formed
by the blood
the breath of the one who speaks it
the child within the adult
the one who was once so shushed
in turn
the one who fears
the one who aches
the one who is desperate
to regain that lost control

To choose Silence
is to invite a state of Grace
To be forced into silence
is to be denied the connection
which leads to Love
and these are the days
these are the times
wherein all our untended wounds
must cleanse
wherein every fear
must be revealed
And so wherever the touch of love
has been denied within our own soul’s
our voices now rise up
Wherever we perceive
we have been told no
we now must say yes
Wherever we have been kept
from knowing a truth
we now will find new lies
And whatever world we fear the most
we will create
as whatever we are so afraid to lose
will seem to fly out our window
and as this vision rises
before our expectant eyes
we will utter the words:
Hear me
for my truth is the only truth
and if you see something different
you are wrong

And so picture this:
The deepest wounds
of every soul
incarnate upon this Earth
seek healing in their expression
at the same time
The voices of every creator
form words of activation
making concrete
that which must be seen
to be released
The conversations
of each being
seek to generate the matrix
of their own beliefs
because they must
and so the world becomes
many worlds
many visions
so many fears
all intersecting
all reaching for validation
all seeing
what they choose to see
which is indeed how it must be
for each one of us to begin to discover
the power and the magic
which lives within us
splinters of the Divine Creator

And so when we open our devices
our ears
our eyes each day
we are shown an expanse of illusions
like pages ripped out of a book of
and blowing everywhere across the
tumbling over top of one another
spreading upon the wind
across the land
rich with fables of good and evil
saviours and demons
the darkest of suffering
and the most magical discoveries
of jewels and feasts
and even love
and it is all true
and it is all a lie
as we choose
to make it so
What is the way forward
for those who wish
to lead with heart?
Simply this:
Let go of the idea of immutable fact
and embrace allowing the truth
of what you feel
When you are confronted
in conversation
interpret what you are shown
through your heart
for this is the way you will discover
and meaning
is the only timeless version
of Truth
there is

Acknowledge that when you converse
you are initiating
an exchange of energy
represented by your letters and words
a flow of liquid intent
both conscious and unconscious
and this is exactly
how it is meant to be
This is the ultimate purpose
of our utterances
and their reason for being
Decide what form of energy
you would like to embody
and let your words originate
from this essence
Consider what form of blessing
you would like to receive
from the expressions of others
Take what you need
and leave the rest
for what is a match for you
will always
be offered
everywhere you turn

Dare to allow yourself to shape the
by becoming one who listens
when all are shouting
and one who speaks
what is rarely heard
And above all
trust this moment
with all of its chaotic voices
This cleansing was foretold
in the beginning
and must be lived
till its end
The inner children of our species
must be adolescent for a time
before they are ready to walk
as adults
to speak the language of a mature
Pity no one
for each soul has a role to play
and every voice you hear
was once yours too
There is only one thing
more contradictory to soul freedom
than imposed silence
and that is
imposed belief
and so the present moment
to resist perceived shackles
is a gift
a rebellion that had to come
and so long as this wave is followed
by a second wave
of more heightened awareness
we will soon embark upon a time
when enemies become collaborators
and every kind of voice
joins the same choir
sour notes sung
until they can be sung no more
and only harmony echoes
across seas and mountains
a long lost song
from our birth

Your words
are more than words
they are a holy force
ready to move
the frozen hearts
of the gods of every land
Let that force be born of Love
and Beauty
and may you listen
and receive
as never before
© AdiKanda