Sunday, January 22, 1 – 4 pm
We live in times of tremendous stress and change. Everyone alive at this time is experiencing the ride of a lifetime – perhaps of many lifetimes. Even those who have always relied on common sense and logic are now opening to new ways of viewing their world.
As an intuitive I have received thousands of communications offering guidance from a realm of higher wisdom, for clients all over the world. I have responded to queries on every subject imaginable, from love and money to addictions, death, and the nature of evil.
This January I am offering an opportunity for you to gently step into the world of unseen guidance, to experience and understand just how supported and loved we are in every moment.
Take a slow breath, close your eyes and ask yourself, what is the one question that haunts you right now? What situation is the most unclear, what guidance could potentially open up your life? Send me this question and then gather with a group of curious seekers to receive your answers and share responses over a cup of tea by the fire.
The days of struggling in solitude are over. Soul families are finding one another, friendships are shifting, developing, leading us out of the hiding we have lived in for so long.
Why not join me, and some new friends, for a casual, gentle experience of finding support within a confusing world. There is no question too difficult, no concern that is unimportant, and no soul who journeys alone.
$80 includes your personal transmission, a cup of hot tea with biscuits, and a chance to connect with profound truths and the love that surrounds you, especially during challenging times.
Guests $20
Please register and submit your question by January 15th.
“Wow wow wow is all I can say !!! I have been reading and re-reading my transmission over and over. It could not be more true and right on in exactly what I struggle with each day!
Thank you so much for blessing me with this; I am ready now to be who I should be !!!
God bless you ! ”
See you there,
love, Adi Kanda