This morning, in the midst of my breath work practice, I was told I needed to Scream.
A Scream is the ultimate, vivid expression. We can scream in pain or ecstasy. We can scream in rage, fear or surprise. We can scream with intent, or without control. We can scream silently, inwardly, or with ear-shattering sound. We can scream together, or alone. But always we can only scream when there is a great power within us that demands to be heard.
Rumi said, “Stop acting so small. You are the Universe in ecstatic motion.”
What was given to me today are five simple tenets of the courageous practice of being alive, of waking up, of screaming our Self to our own ears, and to the world. You probably are familiar with them all. You may practice them in your own way. I share them with you now, in the hopes that this reminder may inspire you to dare to S.C.R.E.A.M. with me, that all the power, freedom and liberation we hold may be revealed.
I dare to say NO to that which is not in service of my central purpose, to shout it to the heavens if necessary. I focus upon the one thing that makes my heart sing and trust that everything else will fall away and find its own place. Less is more. An uncluttered mind and inner stillness is the source of all aligned action. I dare to take the time, several times a day, to grant myself this stillness, away from distractions and technology. No matter how attachment rears its head, I will practice letting go. Daring to divest, release and simplify exponentially increases the joy I feel in my union with the natural world. Daring to trust that I have everything I need fulfills me beyond the material realm.
Creativity is the active voice of Spirituality. By daring to create, I enact the part of me which expresses and I remember I am the Creator incarnate, with purpose and meaning. My creative acts are the explosive song of my soul, whether they celebrate my joy or honour my grief. They connect me to a truth much larger than the material realm. They remind me to be a child again, to play again, to dare to be seen by the world. When I engage in music, dance, visual art, writing, photography, performance, building, designing, cooking, I uplift and fuel my spirit, and balance my nervous system. When I share my creative works, I tell my truth to the world. When infused with creative light, any act in my day may become Art.
R/ be REAL.
I am enough as I am. My love is enough as I am and I set myself free. I dare to let go of all habits of pleasing, pretending, hiding and denying. I am humbled, honest and real with myself about any actions which are not the true me. Any lack of acceptance I perceive from others around me is a reminder that I am being asked to forgive, love and accept myself even more. My days of stretching to reach something false, of thinking I have to copy or imitate, of minimizing myself to fit into an external limitation are over. I am a child of the Creator and who I am is perfect in the eyes of Source. When I reveal the truth of myself, I am honouring the Divine.
The truth of my experience is one of infinite possibilities awaiting my discovery. I dare to release old and familiar negativity, doubt and limitation. That which I believe, I will attract without forcing, pleading or chasing. That which I know is in my highest good will find me. That to which I give my attention will be created. I give myself absolute permission to be surprised by the bounty of what may come to me in its own time and its own way. I remind myself to be in absolute trust so that I may receive. I choose to live in the realm of what is possible, rather than what I fear I may lack. I am safe in the arms of plenty now.
I am surrounded by loving support in every moment, but I must ask, for this is my role as I remember who I am. Remembering to appreciate the smallest details of my life reminds me of everything I have already been given. The guides are always waiting to meet me when I state my highest desire. By daring to Ask I recognize myself as an aspect of the Creator with autonomous choice. This is the most pure form of prayer. This is the death of the ego, for when I ask from a state of appreciation, trust and love, I know I am always held in every experience, and my fear falls away. Even when my physical reality does not yet manifest my desires, the act of asking with an open heart brings me to the vibration of fulfillment in my soul.
I dare to move and stretch my physical body daily as this is the fastest way to change my state.
I dare to move my emotional body through unfiltered expression to release anything I am holding.
I dare to move my energy body through healing practices, as this engages my multi-dimensional nature and reconnects me to Source, clearing stuck and pooled energy which clouds my vision.
I dare to move the physical systems of elimination in my body through whole foods and hydration, to cleanse my cells and free myself from toxins and waste.
I dare to move my voice through sounding, chanting and song, with total self-acceptance in my own sacred space.
I dare to move my breath deeply, frequently, reconnecting with the gift of life in my physical form and flooding my body and senses with gratitude.
I dare to move the gates of my heart and open them wide as I greet the gift of the day before me.
I dare to trust in the flow of all life, which is infinite and ceaseless movement in connection with the All.
As I move, I invite profound gratitude as I fulfill my purpose in my incarnation upon this Earth.
And tomorrow, I will S.C.R.E.A.M. again.