3 Part Skype Course
August, 2012
How are you riding the waves of the summer of 2012? In the midst of cottages, camps and hot city nights, are you scrambling and struggling, dancing and denying, or are you preparing to align yourself with the increasing energies of our approach to 2013?
When we are spiritually young we perceive our world through the view of the mind. We think that if only we have enough knowledge, if only we can understand how things work, we can find an answer to our pain. We focus upon problems and solutions, and pride ourselves upon staying in control.
Then as we grow and deepen our awareness, we discover that emotion is our greatest teacher. We dare to enter the feeling realm, and if we are very brave, follow the golden thread of our heart’s teaching to the very core. Here we find ourselves tossed upon waves of frightening power, shifting from despair to joy and back again, and while we sense we are honouring ourselves in a new way, at times our cyclical journey seems endless and we fear that we will drown or be lost at sea.
As we become practiced as the “observer”, as we release judgement and the need to “know”, we may stumble upon an innate healing power, beyond thought, beyond emotion, and here we discover the world of energy. Here we are shown how everything we once thought we could control is alive in its own right and we learn to perceive ourselves as vibrating beings of light, embodied in a physical realm.
From this magical land we invite experiences of the extraordinary, elevated beyond dense matter and transported through even our darkest fears. It is from this place that we transform; this is the gift of our time upon the planet and this is the baby that 2012 will birth within each one of us.
What is the energy you are being asked to gestate right now? What steps must you take to move beyond knowledge, beyond emotion and into a state of energetic surrender?
If you look around you in these intense times, what do you experience everyday? Do you witness challenges of communication, finance, health, relationship, planetary survival, or are you numbed into complacency? Do you hear the sirens in the city every night, do you feel how every day temperatures rise and with them come the storms, the floods, the fires, and the droughts. Every day the energies intensify, and in this way, so do the opportunities for energetic alchemy. Are you ready to ride the waves? Are you prepared to surrender to the new dimension of awareness that may be yours in 2013?
In this three part weekly series of discussions we will undertake an introduction to an energetic perspective of our lives, viewed from the framework of the personal challenges that confront each one of us in the thick of the energies of 2012. Each participant will receive a personal channeled transmission in mp4 format highlighting their current turning point of emotional and spiritual development. We will gather weekly via Skype to share and discuss. Topics will include:
Week One – from head to heart
Week Two – from heart to energy body
Week Three – transformational tools
With the catalyst of your personal transmission, you will experience a vivid depth of examination within the support of a dynamic group environment. Our discussion format will remain gentle and informal.
Wednesdays, August 8, 15 and 22
7 to 9 PM EST
Registration is due from August 1st to allow time for your personal transmissions to be received.
Please contact Cynthia for more information.