You are a brave space traveler, arriving upon a strange planet. You discover beings living there, but they are primitive, sleep walking through their lives and governed by unconscious principles, driven by base emotions and awash in fear. Even though you have come as a messenger of love and consciousness, these beings are defensive and threatened by you, keeping you in captivity, alternately rejecting and tormenting you, refusing to believe who you are and naming you as deficient and broken. You are given drugs to numb you, education to suppress your individuality and creativity so you can be controlled, and you live out your life in mindless occupations to deny any voice, any expression of your reason for being. You try to remember the place you came from. You dream of suicide, of going home…

This is the journey of the old souls, the sensitives, the awakening ones who have embodied here on planet Earth, stepping into form with insufficient protection, an immersion rite of passage in a foreign world. These are the ones the world loves to label: ADD, bipolar, schizophrenic, autistic, Asperger’s, addict, artist, irresponsible, fuck-up, crazy, dangerous and weird. The ones who never fit in, even in their own skin, but they come with brilliance, spiritual activation, passionate directives and great, great courage. They are vibrating, naked babies, feeling, experiencing everything at great magnification, sometimes seeing and knowing what others cannot. Their gifts can cause them great suffering, and make them look and seem mad.
For some in the West, it is the powerful thrust of a spiritual explosion which sends them reeling into altered realities, only to be scorned and feared by loved ones and professionals alike. These courageous souls often walk for a time with one foot in body, and the other stepping up into the etheric realms. They may speak profound wisdom one moment and seeming nonsense the next, yet their process is the shaman’s journey into new ways of seeing that can only arise in the wake of personal deconstruction and alienation from everyday life. Anyone who has looked deeply into their eyes, sat with them and listened with respect and openness, cannot deny their astonishing gifts. We know they have traveled from a vastly different dimension, daring to join us, to wade in the muck of our base material realm. Isn’t it time to let down our defensive need for “normalcy” and welcome them with a graceful embrace so they can be who they really are?

What if “mental illness” is a spiritual awakening misunderstood, or derailed by a climate of fear? What if the drugs we are giving our “mental patients” are a toxic suppression of their true self, the discovering of which is their only healing? What if we are filling special ed programs, hospitals, institutions, prisons and morgues with beautiful beings who need expansion, support and love, not alienation, pharmaceuticals, imprisonment and soul death? What if, by denying the multi-dimensional truths of our existence we are forcing a narrow paradigm which keeps the masses unconscious, lowers their vibration and lulls them into thinking they are safe? What if these crazy, highly sensitive rebels have come to shake loose the old belief systems, and as such, are our angels, our teachers and beloved brothers and sisters of Spirit? What if changing this way of thinking would utterly change the world?

An important part of my work is to offer support and healing to the old souls and sensitives of our world. I would love to hear your thoughts about this post. Please leave a comment below or write me here and let me know if you would like to chat by phone.
You cannot learn what is in your heart; it must instead be found.
much love, Adi
love to chat with you about old souls, thanks
Hi Franz.. So glad you got in touch – I’ll drop you a message and we can find a time to chat. 🙂
love to chat with you about old souls, thanks
Hi Franz.. So glad you got in touch – I’ll drop you a message and we can find a time to chat. 🙂 I loved your insight and wisdom in this article full of truth. Thank you for sharing this with us all. I found this a few weeks ago and thought you’d find it interesting.
Thank you Elliscia! I just replied to you on Facebook lol.. I plan to include this video in a follow up article on this subject. Thank you so much for sharing it! Would you like to be on my list to receive future posts of this kind?
Vanilla Bean’s Holiday Open House!Saturday December 1st from 10:30AM-2:30PMVanilla Bean Unique Cookies and Cupcakes3410 N. Anthony Blvd.Fort Wayne, INThe chill is in the air and the snow will soon be falling, so come indise and enjoy some hot cocoa and cookies with Santa at Vanilla Bean Unique Cookies and Cupcakes. Your little elves will enjoy decorating their own holiday cupcake. They’ll meet Santa, enjoy a delicious cookie, a cup of hot cocoa or holiday punch. Santa’s helpers will package their cupcake for the ride home. They’ll also receive a special treat! Admission -$5 per child. Mr. or Mrs. Claus will receive 10% off all in store purchases, holiday orders, and gifts for spending the afternoon away from the North Pole! I loved your insight and wisdom in this article full of truth. Thank you for sharing this with us all. I found this a few weeks ago and thought you’d find it interesting.
Thank you Elliscia! I just replied to you on Facebook lol.. I plan to include this video in a follow up article on this subject. Thank you so much for sharing it! Would you like to be on my list to receive future posts of this kind?
Thank you for the courage to write this amazing article and the validation you offer to thousands who will responate with it. Blessing!
Thank you Aluna! It is exactly my desire to give hope and comfort to these beautiful souls. Would you like to be on my list to receive future posts? Much love!
Thank you for the courage to write this amazing article and the validation you offer to thousands who will responate with it. Blessing!
Thank you Aluna! It is exactly my desire to give hope and comfort to these beautiful souls. Would you like to be on my list to receive future posts? Much love!
I sure could use some support and healing. It would be great to talk to you. 🙂
Hi Justin.. I would be happy to chat. I’ll send you a message via email and let’s find a time.. 🙂
I sure could use some support and healing. It would be great to talk to you. 🙂
Hi Justin.. I would be happy to chat. I’ll send you a message via email and let’s find a time.. 🙂
Love, blessings & infinite divine support with your work here on Earth dear Adikanda. Please do add me in your link for future posts!
Thank you so much Alexia. I will add you! oxo
Love, blessings & infinite divine support with your work here on Earth dear Adikanda. Please do add me in your link for future posts!
Thank you so much Alexia. I will add you! oxo
I’m not alone thinking like this article, thank you
It is good to know that we are not alone. Our communion, I believe, is part of the cure. 🙂
I’m not alone thinking like this article, thank you
It is good to know that we are not alone. Our communion, I believe, is part of the cure. 🙂
Thank you for your article. This hits so close to home on a personal level. I’m the old soul who has been given drugs, suppressed and almost self destructed so many times from the hindering of the modern world. I’m elated to see many come through with this same perspective and sharing. I would love to talk with you more about all of this. 🙂
Thank you so much for your comments Jennifer. I would love to chat.. I will email you directly so we can find a time. much love!
That would be wonderful! Looking forward to it. <3
Thank you for your article. This hits so close to home on a personal level. I’m the old soul who has been given drugs, suppressed and almost self destructed so many times from the hindering of the modern world. I’m elated to see many come through with this same perspective and sharing. I would love to talk with you more about all of this. 🙂
Thank you so much for your comments Jennifer. I would love to chat.. I will email you directly so we can find a time. much love!
That would be wonderful! Looking forward to it. <3
I’m An Old-Soul I’ve Been Ridiculed All My Life For Being Accused Different I Had To Wake Up And really Realize This Is Not An Dream And I Have An Important Role From The Creator That I Will Fulfill Thank You For This Article
Much love Bright Lights 🙂
National Memory Screening DayFree, confidential memroy screenings for anyone concerned about memroy loss and early Alzheimer’s disease detection and intervention, sponsored by Visiting Angels in cooperation with the Alzheimer’s Foundation of America.WHEN:Tuesday November 13 2012Noon 4pmWHERE:Avalon Missionary Church. 1212 Lower Huntington Rd. Fort Wayne IN 46819INFO:National Memory Screening Day is an annual initiative of the Alzheimer’s Foundation of America (AFA). Visiting Angels is proud to be a partner in this important first step in finding out if someone has a memroy problem, and in helping patients and families become aware of the resources and assistance that is available.While a memroy screening is not a substitute for a consultation with a physician, it can help to determine whether additional testing is warranted. With as many as 5.1 million Americans living with Alzheimer’s disease, and many more with mild cognitive impairment and dementia, early detection and intervention can be critical to making informed decisions for greater health and quality of life.For more information on memroy screening and resources to assist with ageing in place, cognitive impairment, mild dementia, or Alzheimer’s disease, contact Visiting Angels at 260-482-CARE (2273).
I’m An Old-Soul I’ve Been Ridiculed All My Life For Being Accused Different I Had To Wake Up And really Realize This Is Not An Dream And I Have An Important Role From The Creator That I Will Fulfill Thank You For This Article
Much love Bright Lights 🙂
I felt the need to comment as this was so beautiful and so well said.
It feels really good to hear someone say this, I wish everyone thought this way – even sometimes I can forget. 🙂
Thank you so much Aishlinn.. and much love angel!
I felt the need to comment as this was so beautiful and so well said.
It feels really good to hear someone say this, I wish everyone thought this way – even sometimes I can forget. 🙂
Thank you so much Aishlinn.. and much love angel!
ADHD …… Sensitive … Empath… A healer I am told. Lost in a world of overpowering emotions. I can feel you. Finding reason to ignore my insides yet yearning to do something that will help me and help others. Been called a train wreck, old soul, powerful. Wish I could figure me out
Dear Robbie.. First know that you are not alone. You are here for a reason, and your sensitivity is a big part of that. I know it is not easy – but your very presence in physical form exemplifies great courage. Be well – and get in touch if you would like to chat. Much love…
ADHD …… Sensitive … Empath… A healer I am told. Lost in a world of overpowering emotions. I can feel you. Finding reason to ignore my insides yet yearning to do something that will help me and help others. Been called a train wreck, old soul, powerful. Wish I could figure me out
Dear Robbie.. First know that you are not alone. You are here for a reason, and your sensitivity is a big part of that. I know it is not easy – but your very presence in physical form exemplifies great courage. Be well – and get in touch if you would like to chat. Much love…
Any thought to the voices heard by those diagnosed with schizophrenia are the voices of recycled souls? With evidence that we may have lived past lives, could it be possible those who hear voices lost the ability to block the conscious thoughts of all those past people?
Dear Ikaika .. I confess this would not be my interpretation of what we have named schizophrenia. My sense is that for some, it is an experience of opening to other dimensions, other realms, often magnified by trauma that creates an impulse to leave the body in this three dimensional plane. It is a worthy question though, and would be interesting to hear more from the guides about this… Thank you for your thoughts! Love, Adi
Any thought to the voices heard by those diagnosed with schizophrenia are the voices of recycled souls? With evidence that we may have lived past lives, could it be possible those who hear voices lost the ability to block the conscious thoughts of all those past people?
Dear Ikaika .. I confess this would not be my interpretation of what we have named schizophrenia. My sense is that for some, it is an experience of opening to other dimensions, other realms, often magnified by trauma that creates an impulse to leave the body in this three dimensional plane. It is a worthy question though, and would be interesting to hear more from the guides about this… Thank you for your thoughts! Love, Adi
Jose Andrews is my name, Some people keep questioning God, asking him why he allowed Satan to put in the world deadly diseases, but they never know that anything happening in this life, is just for a particular reason. Here is my story on how I was cured of schizophrenia by a herbal doctor Uwadia Amneifo using his herbal mixture. Few months ago, I realized I had some problem with my system, and later on I begin to forget things easily. I complained to my doctor after his text he said just a little problem with me, but that soon I will be fine. He prescribed for me and I was taking medicine according to his prescription but my condition was getting worse instead of coming down. So I went back to my doctor after some time, he said am having issues with my brain, this continues gradually until it became worse and I was diagnosed of schizophrenia. My doctor told me there is no cure to this disease that I have to live and die with it. It continued for one month and my system was almost shutting down before my cousin brother came to my house to visit and broke to us the news about a herbal doctor he heard about called doctor Uwadia Amenifo. So he explained how he heard about this herbal doctor uwadia Amenifo and the kind of terrible diseases this doctor have cured. His words were very impressing and I had to give the doctor a try. We made contact with him and he said he can cure me. So my cousin made all necessary arrangement with him, and he prepared herbs and send to me in USA. I took the herbs according to his prescription and behold to cut long story short his herbs works perfectly well, and cured me of my schizophrenia. Today I am hale and healthy and evidence of my healthiness can been seen in this piece of note I wrote myself to tell the world about Herbal Doctor Uwadia Amenifo. Please if you know anyone suffering from brain disease, in a hurry contact Doctor Uwadia Amenifo on his email (, and his cell no is +2349052015874. I wish all suffering from brain problem quick recovery.