To be human is to have experiences of lost love, or suffering. When we carry these wounds in an unconscious way, they manifest in limitation and lack. If you experience any of these challenges in your life, you are living a denial of Love:
– Feelings of inadequacy and shame
– Self-denial, self-judgement and guilt
– Promiscuity or sexual numbness or fear of intimacy
– Inertia and inability to access emotion
– Powerlessness and denied femininity or masculinity
– Addictions, anxiety, depression
– Blocked creativity
– Care-taking and self-sacrifice
– Parenting difficulties and postpartum depression
– Physical ailments such as back pain, weight gain, digestive or skin troubles
Alternatively, when we walk through our fears and discover the power of our own hearts to heal, we step into a balanced way of being:
– Empowered decisions and actions
– Confidence in speaking and social interactions
– Grounded energy
– Work/play/love life balance
– Compassion and tolerance
– Frequent access to joy and delight
– Generosity of spirit with others
– Free flowing passion and creativity
– Content to be alone yet fully present with a partner
– Balanced giving without depletion
– Clear desires and boundaries
– Calm, strong parenting
– Rich, divine sexual essence
– Alignment with higher purpose
Would you like to expand the flow of unconditional love in your life? Are you ready to gain the confidence, clarity and empowerment of discovering where the sources of love in your life truly lie? Would you like to hear from your mother, alive or deceased, or would you like to reach out and offer a channeled communication to your mother, from her own mother or from her children?
As an introduction to this powerful program, I am offering a special from now until Sunday. Receive a full length audio reading regarding your personal relationship with unconditional love, from or for your birth mother, for only $90, a $60 savings. These prices will not be available again.
Expand your ability to integrate this information, or any other aspects of your soul growth with a full SIx Week coaching package of weekly sessions, in person or online from anywhere in the world, for $390, a savings of $110.
Each one-on-one session we will delve deeper into the roots of your personal, ancestral and energetic experiences of heart healing and expansion. Learn to recognize and release unconscious behaviours, blocks and fears. Allow the truth of your own worthiness to rise, and the illusions of loss fall away. Leave me a SpeakPipe voice message or email here.
You are Love and you are Loved and your guides are waiting to help you awaken to this understanding, and experience the presence of Love in your life. As you allow in love, you raise your vibration to match that of our Great Mother, and every action becomes one of support for all species, all beings. All you need is Love.
FREEBIES! The first three people to book with me will also receive a free mini written transmission for their mother for Mother’s Day which may be printed and enclosed in your gift card on Sunday. I can’t wait to hear from you, but please hurry. Mother’s Day is almost here.
love, Adi