Light Vision



Who Were You Born to Be?

Are you sensitive, and struggling with the heavy energies of these days? Are you feeling unsure of how to align with your purpose during this extraordinary time to be alive?


I welcome souls who wish to feel uplifted, supported, grounded in the Light, ready to be strong and clear for their loved ones over this holiday season.

You will receive a recording of your reading to keep as an ongoing tool in your toolbox, a private facilitation session to unpack your reading, and two group Salons with kindred spirits, to support one another and be lifted up. 
You’ll learn more about who you really are and how you are here to serve as you unfold your gifts. 
I’m looking for lovely folks who …
1. Are truly desiring to connect to their Light body.
2. Are able to receive nourishing energy medicine.
3. Are open-hearted and trusting of the process.
“I feel uplifted. There is a weight lifted from within my core. I feel aligned with purpose. With this new level of awareness I am able to access deeper layers of emotion and I have proven to myself that I am able to create dollars with my talents.
The intense stinging of an old, intimate relationship and my family of origin has transmuted. And above all, I am experiencing a deeper relationship with my karmic story. I am releasing difficult dreams whereas before I was not remembering them at all…”

A Light Vision Reading is an opportunity to hear directly from your guides about the depth of the intention and power you inherently carry within your being. To feel a connection with your guides, to discover the resonance of divine guidance reminds us of just how purposeful our lives are. We are shown, irrefutably, that we are seen, loved, and never, ever alone.

This work is suitable for anyone who desires to connect to this beautiful energy; anyone who feels depleted, heavy or discouraged in these challenging times.

“Adi! What a journey!! and your support, love, grace, and wisdom is so deeply cherished. You helped me understand (or inner stand) my entire life up until this point, why I created it and why I’m ready to break free of the patterns woven into every part of it. You gave me the gift of insight and permission to stand fully in my reclamation of my fire and stand fully in the fires of transformation letting die what needs to die so that I can be reborn anew, aligned to centre and fully in my sovereignty and power. I thank you with all of my heart.”

Come and be held, wrapped in the loving energy of the guides and receive a vision of who you really are,
the self you came here to be in this life.
Be uplifted, rebalanced and reminded of the aspects of you that may have been buried or denied for lifetimes.
Experience an antidote to the heavy energies of these times. 
Be seen as you may not be seen by others in your world.