Life Force joy

healing the primary sexual wound

In these difficult times, our minds and hearts may be overrun with stress and worry. We may question our right to joy when there is so much suffering around us.

In fact, rather than diminishing our own relationship to the beauty in life, the choice to root ourselves in practices which balance our own energetic state grant us a greater strength for whatever life may bring.  As we learn to understand the power of the collective energy field, we realize that when we uplift our own hearts, we uplift the world.

And most importantly, that which we heal within our own hearts, we heal for the world.

There is no greater heartbreak within our species than that which has expressed through the wounded masculine and feminine, in shame, misogyny, abuse, rape and the myriad forms of control and possession which stem from the root fear of our separation from Divine union and joy.

There is no one alive who has not been touched by this karmic trauma.

Were we to collectively heal this wound, our entire world would change. 

The SASS experience is for anyone who yearns to expand their energetic, creative, sensual and sexual essence, to remember the permission for joy and trust, and to awaken a sacred desire within.

The SASS Series

SASS Reading with Adi

Private facilitation session

6 Group facilitation and training sessions

Private and secure online community


  Our work together is online and worldwide.  


Do you feel disconnected from your sacred, sexual nature? Your life force energy?

Is it difficult to allow yourself permission for pleasure and beauty?

Have you experienced sexual trauma or wounding in this lifetime, or in soul memory?

Do you experience guilt, numbness or heartbreak in your intimate relationships?

Do you dare to know what you truly desire, what you dream?

Did you know it is possible to return to regain our lost innocence, our true virginity, to reclaim tolerance, tenderness and the courage to love?

“I feel a tremendous sense of liberation from painful patterning since my SASS Reading, as I reclaim my sexuality, pure and safe, my own to inhabit and enjoy. The shame is being shed like skin that I’ve outgrown.”

Why do we deny ourselves?

Our collective fear of permission for divine experience has led to deep misunderstanding and suppression of countless aspects of our sexual life force energy, including the sacred feminine and the sacred masculine. This separation from joy has touched every one of us, and holds a profound key to our liberation.

Who would we be as a species, if we were not afraid of who we really are? Why is there so much resistance to sexual expression through religious teachings? Why does our hunger to taste the sweetest of human sensations lead to such suffering and control? Why do we deny ourselves?

Sexual shame is so uncomfortable to feel, most of us have become very good at pushing it under, often going to extremes to hide it. Some of the most free spirited souls are actually harbouring crippling shame, and they are doing all they can to counter it with distracting behaviour.

Others know it is there, hold memories of being hurt, exposed or chastised, or suffer from anxiety, depression, sexual dysfunction or related health issues. Breast, ovarian, prostrate, testicular and uterine cancer are not just an environmental concern. Our bodies will show us what our hearts are afraid to hear.

When we dare to turn and face the mirage of our stories, miracles unfold. We discover that our challenges are the very reason we were born, and that no one else holds the key to our freedom; it was ours all along.


AdiKanda has dedicated her life’s work to the transformation of fear-based patterns, belief systems and cellular memories into a natural alignment with the vibration of Love, including her offering of the SASS Reading, a specific invitation to both cleanse and activate the vital, life force sexual energy.

A “Sexual Activation Session” is both a private energy work session and intuited reading, directed specifically at awakening, releasing and balancing your sexual life force energies. The guides will know what is needed for you and will hold you lovingly. Sessions include karmic clearings and healings.

Group Trainings include:

SASS Facilitation


Exercises and Energy Medicine

Fish Hook for Sexual Healing

“My SASS reading has brought me to profound realizations about a sexual history that carries significant trauma and shame. I can now see my experience in a new way and I feel a tremendous sense of liberation from painful patterning. “


~ Relief from the heavy veil of shame

~ The re-awakening of creative energy

~ A new level of relationship with your body and energy

~ A new capacity for LIFE FORCE expression and potency

~ Shifts in relationship and spiritual union

~ Awakened self awareness and potential for elevated states

Our passion, our joy, our alignment with who we are as creators is infused with our life force sexual energy. Most of us barely touch this source of expression during our lifetime, and it may have little to do with how sexually active we have, or have not been.

When we dare to address this level of healing we don’t just do it for ourselves but for everyone we love; our children, our ancestors, our partners and lovers.

Join the waitlist for the next SASS offering

About Adi

AdiKanda is an intuitive, author, teacher, songwriter and mother of three who has presented at the Peace-Building Symposium at OISE, Toronto Unitarian Congregation, University of Toronto Tikkun Conference, the Ontario Ministry of the Environment, the Koffler Institute Evening of Engagement for Peace in the Middle East and more.

Founder of WORLD WITHOUT FEAR and THE KOKORO CIRCLE, AdiKanda holds twenty years experience in profound energy work, releasing karmic patterns at a cellular level.

Arising from a spontaneous intuitive awakening in January 2000, her writings from an Alpha sleep state emerged into conscious transmissions in the forms of poetry, spoken readings, meditations and song, numbering in the thousands for individuals worldwide. 

Many describe her readings as life changing and liberating beyond any modality they have experienced before.

AdiKanda has come to view life through the lens of vibrational potency. The principle of sexual life force liberation from lifetimes of karmic shame is a teaching she is loves to share.

Questions? Contact us to set up a consultation. 

And yet
know this:
the absolute role
of sexual intimacy in our lives
is not procreation
is not pleasure
is not achievement
is not pride
but is rather the enticement
toward our understanding
of union
of whole, Godly love
and to touch
where this lives
The opening of the legs
and the opening of the heart
are in this way
deeply entwined
with the opening
of the divinity
we hold
in every breath
in every cell
of our being
these are the steps
that sexual desire initiates
and no step
can be ignored
to reach the bliss
that sex promises
in its taste
of the Divine

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