“Freedom’s just another word for nothing left to lose, Nothin’ don’t mean nothin’, honey, if it ain’t free..” – Kris Kristofferson and Fred Foster from Me and Bobby McGee
We seekers think that we are here to learn to be compassionate – we are not. We think we are here to learn to be peaceful and strong – we are not. We think we are here to be tolerant, wise, authentic, loving… all the qualities we consider to be spiritually correct. Yet the truth is, while we are all expressions of the same Source, we are, each of us, here to learn what is important for our own individual balance – and that is not the same journey for any two people on this Earth.
The Oppositional Nature of our Destiny
The man who finds himself always being the strong one, stepping in to help carry the heavy load, fix what is broken, chase off the bully; he has come in this life, not to develop the strength of which he is so proud, but to allow his inner weakness and vulnerability to express. He must face experiences of feeling helpless and inadequate before he can find balance and become whole.
The woman who refuses to buy into a culture of feminine wiles, who won’t wear high heels or make up or sexy clothes, is not here to find the courage to be herself in the face of masculine expectation (though this is what she may tell herself) but rather to awaken to a much deeper fear of revealing her own hidden sexual nature, to rise above her terror that she will be judged or fail. The same may be true of a woman who pours all her energy into primping and preening, with false nails, hair, breasts and nose. The same buried pain may live in both women, manifesting in opposing polarities, for it is in the gentle balance of where the pendulum rests that we find a healed and loving home.
Denial (Ain’t Only a River in Egypt)
The academic who lives his life steeped in reason and logic has embodied to learn to open his most irrational heart. The passionate lover has come to learn to trust in solitude, abstinence and self-reliance. The banker has come to let go of the need for financial control, and the homeless man, to learn that he deserves a place to sleep. The prostitute has the right to say no, the comedian to weep, and the caring nurse to stop thinking about anyone other than herself for awhile.

This principle shows us why it is critical to dare to examine the roles we play – especially the ones we find it so hard to see. The level of our own denial rises in proportion to the power that awaits in the unveiling of the truth. We can be sure of one thing: whatever our choice of character in this piece of theatre we know as life, the costume must one day come off.
There is no formula for awakening to our purpose, except to accept the direction we find most challenging and frightening, the one which stirs the most resistance and denial and yet is the very path we are here to pursue. It is the simple way, but not the easy one.
Painful, and yet liberating beyond imagining, this understanding does not mean we are meant to cast out our gifts, but rather develop the ability to discern when they slip into compensation and protection, when we prefer to habitually rely upon what comes easily so we don’t have to look at what we have hidden so well, for so long. With this rising consciousness, in time we will transmute our wounds into union with our gifts, through the alchemy of spiritual and energetic transformation.
The KORE PROCESS is a modality of energy work based upon a powerful past life reading which elucidates in great detail the very story we are here to bring into balance, the wounds and the gifts we must learn to purify of fear. Accompanied by an energetic attunement, these profound readings offer a rare insight into the primary fear-based pattern we have come to heal in this time of profound personal and planetary awakening. For more information, please CONTACT ME or leave any questions as a comment.
Love is the air we breathe when we are not afraid.

much love, Adi
Reblogged this on Dark, Handsome, and Defiant and commented:
A powerful read.
“The man who finds himself always being the strong one, stepping in to help carry the heavy load, fix what is broken, chase off the bully; he has come in this life, not to develop the strength of which he is so proud, but to allow his inner weakness and vulnerability to express. “
Reblogged this on Dark, Handsome, and Defiant and commented:
A powerful read.
“The man who finds himself always being the strong one, stepping in to help carry the heavy load, fix what is broken, chase off the bully; he has come in this life, not to develop the strength of which he is so proud, but to allow his inner weakness and vulnerability to express. “