Shadow and Light

  How is it possible to feel despair when there is such exquisite beauty to be found? How is it possible to feel joy when there is such unspeakable suffering going on? How often is our world created by what we dare to see? How deeply are we created by…

IT IS SO: We Rise, We Soar

[caption id="attachment_2255" align="alignnone" width="267"] Alfred Stevens, Man crawling, 1846-80[/caption] Woman and man walk in three stages First we crawl we are low to the base energies of need and fear We cannot move beyond the pace of the beast and it hurts to lift our heads high to view the…

IT IS SO: We Rise, We Soar

[caption id="attachment_2255" align="alignnone" width="267"] Alfred Stevens, Man crawling, 1846-80[/caption] Woman and man walk in three stages First we crawl we are low to the base energies of need and fear We cannot move beyond the pace of the beast and it hurts to lift our heads high to view the…

Are You Having Fun Yet?

This morning I took my dog and yoga mat down by the water to nourish myself with sun, wind and waves. I have recently moved into a townhouse 100 yards from the beach and the move itself, like all moves in my experience, has being demanding. I have been very…

Did You Know You Are Free?

You are on the verge of waking up to something so important that it will change everything in your life. You have been walking toward this time forever, even though you did not know it, even though it now feels like a surprise. You have been living in a dark…

LOVE EVERY MOMENT: The Art of Transforming Pain

click below to play song: IF [audio mp3=""][/audio] LOVE EVERY MOMENT: The Art of Transforming Pain Online or Phone-In Teleseminar   The Law of Attraction seems to say I should ignore my pain. What if it hurts too much, won’t go away or keeps coming back? When things seem darkest,…

LIFT ME UP: Reaching Toward Love

Until the cloud weeps, how can the garden flourish? Until the baby cries, how can the milk flow? ~ Rumi Here in Toronto the last few days have brought waves of energy, heavy like a fog, disturbing like smoke, painful like fever. Sirens rise up around the city, and outside…
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