Introducing WORD SONGSLOVING CONVERSATIONS WITH YOUR GUIDES"You have called to you forces that are very strong.. to create contrast and opposition to this empowerment that is asked of you. But the depth of this contrast is a measure of the inner power you hold.. You are a very, very loving being and…


A student/teacher of awakened consciousness asks..I feel like there is a profound awakening of Cosmic Love preparing to rise up in me and wash away the current personality that believes in smallest and separation.... Please help me trust this experience and let go into it. I find it both uplifting…

The Qualities of Grace

Dear Adi; "How can I shift from merely having my basic needs met, financially, to enjoying more of what life has to offer - a home of my own - travel, etc."   ... Wanting MoreDear Wanting More – Aug/11In this lifefrom the time you were very smalla frame of reference was…


Dear AdiWhy is it so hard for me to accept and forgive my husband, and how do I open my heart completely to fully give and receive love and create true partnership in our relationship?Lovelorn Dear Lovelorn,Every relationship gives what it is meant toand every perceived lackis the reflection of…


Dear Adi,Why am I having so much difficultytransforming the negative and destructivedynamic between my daughter and I?                                          ... Loving MotherDear Loving,It is understandablethat you wish for peacein your connection with your little oneand yet we ask you to considerthat you are giving one anotherexactlywhat you both needHers is the…