We begin with an understanding
of what it means to choose.
Without the power of choice there is no freedom
Without freedom there is no capacity for choice
Without the threat of anarchy
there is no awareness of Divine order
Without godliness found in every moment
there is no meaning discovered in human form
Without the hard work of earning awareness
nothing will be treasured
Without the rebellious child
there is no separation from the Mother/Father god
Without an unconditionally loving Parent
there is no coming Home
Do you see
how we must first be here
in order to go there?
Do you recognize that there must be silence
for music to be born?
Can you allow
that in order to remember an exquisite truth
it must be forgotten for a time?
We do not speak of choice
to encourage you to play with power
We do not call you to ownership
for you to steal what you think you need
because you falsely believe in lack
We instead offer you an opportunity
to witness
to understand
instead of hiding beneath the blankets
in your self-made night
to avoid the dark you think is outside
There is a magnificence to all creation
invisible only to those who live
disconnected from an acceptance of Divine Love
These are the days of returning
to all that once gave meaning to our world.

Learn the practice of choosing Love
and see how it eases your pain.
In every experience of challenge or loss
we are given the chance to choose from our fear
or liberate the voice of holy Love from within us
We can become distracted and delayed by vengeance
or we can Love
We can hate the people, the circumstances of our pain
or we can Love
We can believe in failure
in a disordered Universe
or we can feel Love as a force
larger than any physical experience
larger than thought
larger even than shame
We can look upon our crumbling house
and wish it to be different
or we can look upon it with a heart wide open
and let it fall to the dust of Mother Earth
where we may begin again
This force is not romantic
it is not personal
it is beyond human
it lives in our willingness to choose it
until no matter what the question
it give us answers over and over again
When confronting every attacker
this field of immortal radiance is always stronger
than the weapons of our fear
not by meeting blood with blood
but by transporting the physical
through a portal
where no one can lose
and there is nothing to be gained
You have heard stories of ascension
of transcendence
of miracles
These are not stories
but rather Love at work
and the very particles of the material
become digested
as if under the beam of a laser
and Love is revealed
as all that remains
What does this look like
for the ordinary woman or man?
Expect that you have access to the miraculous
and you will
Ask for the impossible
and it will arrive
Join your voices together in announcing
what was once unthinkable
and you will create it
before your very eyes

When experiencing fear or rage
do not give it away
but make it your own.
We who walk upon the back of this planet
live within one thin layer
of identifiable experience
These elements are shifting and melding
and we begin to see
what was once denied
Energy forms of all kinds
intersect with our human lives
Like breath on a cold day
we exhale aspects of our fears
and they take shape in the very air before us
They are hungry for another breath
and another
and so long as we feed them
they will cloud our eyes
Just as cancer is a biological element
which feeds mistakenly
upon its own life
and then kills its host
the demonic needs our fear and helplessness
to take shape
Without our cooperation
these forces themselves
diminish and die
How do I live beyond fear you ask?
You look it in the eye.
Stand quaking
in the God Love of your own heart
and dare anything else
to deny you this
for it cannot
The greatest beasts of our nightmares
may be purified
by our Choice to deny them
the food of our fear
Cast blind faith of Love upon them instead
and they will melt before our eyes

Come together.
When we slipped from our mother’s womb
we fell into the idea of separateness
When we meet an enemy upon the path
we are vulnerable to them
because we think them to be
something other than ourselves
But when we consciously choose to stand in the presence
of one another instead
and tell the truth of Love
the power of its radiance exponentially becomes manifold
Where there was once two together
four are born
Where once four gazed eye to eye
sixteen begin to sing
Where sixteen vibrate in this presence
hundreds of thousands are lifted up
Where nations fall upon their knees in union
all humanity and fellow species turn around
to join in a unity of essence
global healing
and inherent rebirth
Come together
in whatever form of Love speaks through you
and you will change the world

Tell the truth without blame.
For centuries humankind has lived in a dark alley
between fakery and judgement
either pretending to be something
in order to seek safety
or amputating aspects of ourselves
through blame, vengeance and retribution
as if this would somehow
ease the pain
Dare instead to stand before yourselves
and others
in the absolute whole
of your nature
Do not attempt to be anything other than what you are
and do not regret any part of what you see
in your own mirror
In profound self acceptance
lives all forgiveness of others
and in the release of accusation
arrives the Divine mystery of resolution
Take this one step
and discover how the talons
of the next creature who wishes to prey upon you
have nowhere to take hold
You become instead the liquid light
of your own essence
Impossible to damage
or deny

Believe in what you cannot see
and allow yourself to see
what you believe in your heart to be true.
Let go of the literal
for there is no answer to be found here
In fact
most of what gives your material world meaning
exists beyond the sight of your physical eyes
But there is another kind of sight which awaits you
and once awakened
it will never again sleep
This knowing begins in the aspect of your being
born out of a marriage between Heart and Spirit
It cannot be described but only lived
and once lived
it never dies
This is the God Self
the presence of the expanded nature
and this self is unaffected by the dance of
visual illusion
and instead is fully guided by a multi-dimensional fluidity
This self knows no time
and no limitation
because fear of how things seem to look
has transmuted into Creation
of how they express according to each moment
of being
Yes this is magic
and it is happening everywhere
if you are ready to see it
feel it
allow it to be
This is the reward of the end of thinking
and the allowing of expanded sensation
This is like the transition from drawing
stick figures in black and white
to the dreams of an altered consciousness
and responsive to your every wish
Why would you choose to live in one dimension
when all existence lives in infinite expression?
It is not as far as you think
nor as strange as you fear
but rather it is an act of surrender
like the feverish child who
finally settles into the lullaby
of his mother’s arms

Stop waiting.
Our dalliances with protection
weigh us down
like a swimmer wearing armour
of steel
There is no more time to wait
because there is no more TIme
And once you begin to really see
this you will feel
What was once tomorrow becomes yesterday
this we know
but it is also true
that what was once a hundred years in the future
can become Now in the blink of an eye
bringing with it
a century of history
and more
Without Time
there is no need to wait
but instead we are greeted
by the invitation to immerse ourselves
in immediate Creation
instantaneous activation
with absolute ease
It is important to note
that this capacity for choosing Now
can only take place
in that state of Grace
for this is the nature of timelessness
It knows no boundaries
no either/or
no risk
and no rules
It is matter becoming the liquid
of our souls’ desires

Make art so that you may discover
you are Art.
Whatever form of expression calls you
it is the juices of your arousal
the notes of your perfect choir
the tears of your ecstacy
In truth there is nothing but Creation
and our pain has lived
in the confusion that art is an extra
for a chosen
or a broken few
When you chose incarnation
to be a part of this revolution of Being
you began to make Art
When you spoke your first words
you wrote poetry
When you took your first steps
you danced
When you touched your first petal
you created a sculpture
When you first wept
you formed symphonies
of spiralling truths
There is nothing but Art
and it needs no wall
to hang upon
There is nothing but expression
and communication
because all Beingness is flow
which must be given and received
There is nothing wrong in your Art
because there is nothing outside of it
and once in it
you give yourself the greatest gift
you will ever know –
the perception of Self
for which Source hungered
when the beings of this realm
were born
When the Divine said
Let there be Light
what was truly spoken was
Let the Light that is
be seen
There is nothing else
and so the darkness of these times
bows down before us
The Truth revealed
With this blessing
your sufferings are more beautiful
in our eyes
than any mountain of gems
In this
you have chosen
© AdiKanda 2019