Heart, mind and spirit, indivisible as One
“Kokoro is well understood in Japanese, but difficult to explain in English,” says Yoshikawa Sakiko, director of Kyoto University’s Kokoro Research Center. Conceptually, it unites the notions of heart, mind, and spirit: It sees these three elements as being indivisible from one other. “For example if we say, ‘She has a good kokoro,’ it means heart and spirit and soul and mind all together.”
~ Ephrat Livni
Every soul which seeks consciousness hungers for these elements of human expression:
To be seen and heard
To come to know and love ourselves deeply
To experience freedom from fear
To discover spiritual meaning
To gain faith and trust
To reveal our purpose in service

One of the phenomena of our times is that, even in the midst of intense division and conflict, many souls are finding one another, recognizing a common curiosity, a shared memory. We arrive from all walks of life, falling into deep connection on zoom calls, at bus stops, in social media conversations. We see Home in one another, and despite our separate paths, we feel magnetically drawn.
We are the Starborns, the outsiders and the eccentrics. The rebels, the questioners and creatives. We may look ordinary on the outside, but inside we are churning.
Many of us have known great trauma, our souls committing to the knowledge and expansion which only comes through challenge and loss. Our gifts may be hidden, our loneliness familiar, and yet beyond all suffering we remember the taste of a heaven. Deep in our hearts we believe we will return, and our greatest desire is to bring others with us into joy.
The Kore Process is a modality which speaks to the awareness and sensitivities of such souls. A profound energetic attunement and past life reading received by Adikanda or one of our Kore Practitioners offers an initiation comparable to a plant medicine journey and beyond.
Thousands of individuals around the world have experienced Adi’s transmissions and readings, since January 2000.
This year, World Without Fear introduces the most in depth offering of the Kore work to date. In addition to your powerful reading, you now receive six full months of access to group calls, trainings, community and support. Six months to change your world.

What exactly is a Kore Reading?
This unique modality assists the identification and release of the primary fear-based pattern you have incarnated to heal in this lifetime, through the telling of a detailed past life story, accompanied by a profound attunement which initiates clearing at a cellular level.
The layers of frequency offered and received unpack in the consciousness over years to come.
“There is but one answer to know:
Where lies your fear and how will it be set free.”
What will your experience of the Kokoro Circle look like?
Begin with a reading and a facilitation session with your practitioner.
A Kore Reading for initiates.
A Kore Follow Up Reading for those who have had their first reading over a year ago.
A Kore Mastery Reading for experienced travellers.
Learn more about Kore Readings HERE.
Join our online community.
Discover our privately hosted online community to share, learn, and ask questions. No algorithms, information harvesting or censorship, just loving support.
Videos and audios are added to our resource library each month.
You are never alone in your challenges when you have access to others who understand and who are immersed in the same process as you.
Attend our live, weekly online calls, and Toronto gatherings for local folks.
Hosted by Adikanda and other wonderful practitioners and guests, these calls are your opportunity to receive unconditional acceptance and support in your process. We learn so much from other like-minded souls.
The Kore Process generates truly deep and ongoing shifts in the energy body. We are transforming lifetimes of karmic patterning, so to have consistent guidance over a sustained period of time makes a world of difference as layers unfold.
Caveat: The Kore work is not for everyone. Deep change brings with it emotional, physical and energetic processing. The spaciousness we find on the other side is what calls some of us to this inquiry. It is a lived experience, not simply a conceptual practice.
We call this The Kore Process very intentionally. We live in process, not in pursuit of an end point, and surrender is key. It is within the process itself we find the meaning of our lives.