Did you hear about the explosion? No, it wasn’t in the news, and there were no casualties. I’m talking about the explosion of self awareness, actualization, creativity and independence that is going on all over the world. It’s been brewing for awhile, but as 2013 draws to a close, I’m watching folks all around me lighting up like Christmas trees, and it feels as if the lid is about to blow.
Full moons and solar flares play their part, and a powerful Solstice is about to unfold, that longest night of the year here in Toronto. The nights are dark and cold, and during the day, our shadows are longer than any other time of year. Try stepping out into the snow to check yours at noon, when it will be at its peak.
Everything You Need to Know About December Solstice
There is a grace that lives in the darkness of December, even in the midst of holiday preparations, and if you too are experiencing an inner push to explode into your authentic nature, why not soften into December’s darkness and let it guide you. Even on a cloudy night when the stars close their eyes, there is power as we go inward to listen to the whispers of Spirit, where all truth lies.
We live in awakening times, and the force of this global energy fueled by the unprecedented availability of technological tools means that more than ever before we can learn from others from all walks of life and corners of the Earth, and in return, share our wisdom with them. For me, 2013 was a year of deep inner and outer transition, and I can feel a rumbling in my heart that 2014 will lift me up into a place I have been seeking for a long time.
Despite the fact that I am a writer, songwriter, counselor and intuitive, I have always thought of myself as a rather introverted person. I love people, I love all beings and I love our world, but my privacy has always been important to me. In the past months I have been studying the worldwide phenomenon of the democratization of information and intellectual property, and coming to see that social media is not just a catalyst of this movement, but a symptom of a much larger opening in our human hearts. We are reaching out for one another in a way we have not been able to do since we lived in small villages and knew everyone by their first names. We are watching institutions crumble as power is returned to the hands of individuals, and thought and art move toward the universal, no longer owned by anyone.
It’s a dilemma that has controversies raging, now that anyone can record music, write and publish books, and make films and post them for the world to see. Downloading has changed the foundation of the music industry, and self published and ebooks have revolutionized the publishing world. Some of what is out there is terrible, but much of it is astonishing and beautiful, and the good rises, for those who have the eyes to see.
And so one of my promises for 2014 is to reach more deeply than ever before into the well of my own creative authenticity. To make use of the tools around me, and offer my love from the gut, from the core, peeling away hesitations about what others may think or say. In a world where there is no longer any hiding, we have the chance to be our own custodians of self worth, self forgiveness, and tolerance, always perfect in the eyes of the divine Creator, how ever you speak her/his name.
Over the coming months I will be sharing my own process, and telling the story of how I came to the work I do. How my life changed so deeply fourteen years ago, when the words that appeared at the end of my pen were larger than me, not simply my own. And how I plan to move forward in the coming year, with teachings, transmissions and my received music that is such a joy to sing.
For the last few days I have been at work on a seasonal gift for my friends and followers, a new “sound bath” or sonic meditation born a decade ago. It’s a reworking of a healing chant that I received years ago, when I was a struggling single mother, ill with a fever. I sat on my bed and sang the soothing tones I heard in my head into a digital eight track recorder. After singing one track, I went back and sang another overtop, and then another, as I felt the layers weaving together like a tapestry. Then I lay back on the bed with my headphones on and felt the vibration of the chords I had created wash over my body. I can still recall the physical sensation of that moment, how I wept and how when I sat up afterward, my fever was gone. I called the song Peace.
It is my greatest delight to create with words, images and sound. There is nothing that makes me happier in the world, and brings me closer to my center. When I have lived with this recording of Peace 2014 for a few days I will share it with you all as a free download to welcome the holidays this year. It is an 11 minute meditation, and I wish for you the feeling and healing I experience when I lie down and listen to it in a darkened or candle lit room.
This Saturday, on the eve of Winter Solstice, I invite any of you who live in Toronto to join me to experience the full Peace 2014 meditation. I will offer a guided meditation and live transmission as well, and you will have a chance to lie in the sound bath and take in the power of its vibration. My place is intimate and warm, and it feels like the perfect way to honour the longest night of the year. It is out of the greatest dark that our light is truly shown, as one cannot be without the other. Please RSVP if you plan to attend.
7:30 – 9 PM
37 Scarborough Road,
Just north of Queen East, west of Victoria Park
by donation
While you are patiently waiting for Peace 2014, I wanted to share a truly delightful video I came across for the season, my new favourite version of Little Drummer Boy, “featuring doggies”. May it get you singing along and smiling dog ear, to dog ear.
much love,
416 898-6191